#Cloud station server for windows 10#
Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014. Most people looking for Cloud station for windows 10 downloaded: Synology Cloud Station.
#Cloud station server android#
Instale las utilidades cliente en Windows, Mac, Linux, así como en dispositivos Android e iOS para tener sus archivos sincronizados en todas las plataformas. Visualization: See comprehensive dashboards and graphs of your station data. Cloud Station Server permite centralizar y sincronizar los datos de varias plataformas y mantener versiones históricas de todos sus archivos importantes. Le recomendamos que actualice a Synology Drive Server para disfrutar de una migración de aplicaciones perfecta. I use Cloud Station Server and Cloud Station Drive on my PCs. cloud station drive is a sync application and works similar to dropbox except the data will be stored on your diskstation and not on a remote unknown server. Aunque Synology Drive Server ofrece las mismas funciones que Cloud Station Server, se ha mejorado para ofrecer un portal universal más potente, un rendimiento de sincronización de archivos optimizado y funciones de colaboración de archivos. We were lucky, since this was simply in the testing phase.
#Cloud station server how to#
This change resulted in the Mac Client Cloud Station Drive to present an error, and needed to be reconfigured. In this video I show how to set up a Dropbox-like private cloud using Synologys Cloud Station Server.Please share this video. Podrobnosti o rozdlech ve funkcch a postupu.

Cloud Station is a file sharing service that allows you to synchronize files between a centralized Synology Router and multiple client computers and mobile devices. Doporuujeme upgradovat na slubu Synology Drive Server, m se zajist optimln vkon a tak zskte nkolik novch rznch funkc. Note: Synology has discontinued support for Synology Cloud Station Server running on SRM platforms as well as the DS cloud mobile app. Cloud Station Server Note: Synology has discontinued support for Synology Cloud Station Server running on SRM platforms as well as the DS cloud mobile app. Observación importante: Cloud Station Server se sustituirá por una nueva aplicación, Synology Drive Server. The resolution in our case was to go into Cloud Station Server on the Synology, go to Settings, and then disable the specific Shared folder, and then re-enable the folder again. Poznmka: Slubu Cloud Station Server nyn nahrad nov aplikace Synology Drive Server, kter obsahuje vechny pvodn klov funkce.