Some owners of large farms even switched from growing staple grains to high-value crops, such as olives and grapes, or raising animals-this wouldn’t have been an option for small family farms. Decisions, Decisions: Ancient Empires Decisions, Decisions: Drinking and Driving Critical reception. The increased income from expansion supported development by creating demand for greater supplies of agricultural produce. In each empire, hereditary emperors ruled over multi-ethnic and multi-religious states.
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Because of economies of scale and because enslaved people could be be made to work longer and harder than free Romans, this trend further increased economic production. The Mughal and Manchu/Qing empires were formed during the 16th century and became two of the largest, economically successful, and most powerful dynasties in Asia for over two hundred years. Further, it was common practice to enslave and sell war captives the increasing number of military conquests brought many enslaved people into the Italian peninsula. The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the years 700-480 B.C., not the Classical Age (480-323 B.C.) known for its art.

If they failed to return or their farms went bankrupt in their absence, wealthy Romans bought their land, creating larger and larger farms, known as latifundia. Foreign goods were taxed at five to 25 times the rate of internal trades. The Roman Empire also levied tariffs, both on goods traded within the empire and imported from outside. As Rome fought more foreign wars, many small landholders were away serving in the military for longer periods. Tariffs have been dated to the 3000s BCE on trade of metal and wool between the ancient city of Kanesh in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) and Assyria (in modern-day Iraq). Like all ancient societies, Rome’s economy was based on agriculture, which was incredibly labor intensive.